February 2013
Last two years I spent a lot of efforts to built remote control system. I am glad to say that starting fall 2012 I was able to solve most of the problems and have station up and runnung. I operate station from city QTH which is about 14 km from Low Band countryside station. There are still some minor problem to overcome but it already started to pay devidents. I do operate almost daily which makes me available for skeds. Much easier to work New Ones. Couple of years ago I started blog about each New One I work on Topband. It is on Russian language since my writting English is embarassing.... I am trying to add little more information about station I worked to learn who is beyond callsign. Feel free to use online translate service if you are interested. Here the links to articles below.
Topband DXCC notes. 1993-2008.
Topband DXCC notes. 2009. Part 1
Topband DXCC notes. 2009. Part 2
Topband DXCC notes. 2010. Part 1
Topband DXCC notes. 2010. Part 2
Latest pictures from Contest station. I am making a lot of tests so cables not in proper order till I can achive all goals. So it is an exuse for messy view.
August 2011
CQ magazine published results of CQ WW DX CW Contest 2010. EY8MM 1st place World SOSB 160 m.
August 2010
CQ magazine published results of CQ WW DX CW Contest 2009. EY8MM 1st place World SOSB 160 m.
February 26-28, 2010
We are going to operate CQ WW 160 SSB as Multi Op. EY8ZF team: EY8BI, EY8MM, K4ZW, RV0AR. Following week Ken EY8/K4ZW and Pavel EY8/RV0AR will operate 160-40 using their call signs.
January 15, 2010
WAS 160 meters # 1086 issued.
December 9, 2009
December 9, 2009 at 2327Z WAS 160 m was completed with two QSOs. AB4IQ (KY) and W0SD (SD) came back to my CQ. Unless 80 m which takes years of hard work WAS on 160 m took eleven month of active stage. Propagation on Jan 22 was starting point and within few days I reached 40+ states level. Fall season conditions allowed me to work rest of States I was looking for. As far as my knowlidge this is second 160 WAS made from Zone 17. Gena UA9MA completed this award few weeks earlier. I would like to thank all US Hams who helped me with this project for their pation, comming for skeds and waiting for short opennings to make a QSO.
December 8-9, 2009
Excellent openning to NA today. Worked 4 new States. Sorry for those whom I was not able to pull out of noise. Being called by HC8GR was fantastic surprise!
States worked on 160.
November 27, 2009
Worked Yuri VE2IM for last zone on 160 meters today. Yuri was weak but stable copy for 30 minutes before he heard I am calling.
November 24, 2009
All day spent for RX antenna installation. Now all Beverages up and station ready for contest. Some minor changes in antennas planned. Even condition was not perfect today and polar passes was closed completely few DX came into the log on 160. Three new countries VK9XX, A25NW, FG/F6AUS. Perfect signals from AFRICA 9L7NS, 5N7MGI and Sourth America. Worked 4 stations from Brasil with very special signals. Please look for me on 160 every night including in the contest.
November 13, 2009
My plan is to make station operational by CQ WW CW. This year later than usual because I had to travel during CQ WW SSB. I made some ocasional trips to the station to work rare expeditions. I used to have temporary installed Beverages. So this fall I worked FT5GA, 3D2KJ, LU5YF, CX6VM, 3D20CR, R1FJM, K4M, TO7RJ, 5H3EE, TX3A, YJ0CCC for New Ones. Was very happy to work two states also. N9ADG-WA and KA7T-ID.
I will make few trips to the station before Nov 24. On that day I will come to install all RX antennas and will stay till end of the contest. I am not planning serious entry in CQ WW CW and more likely will do some DXing on 160/80. TBD