Jan 17-18. Instead of GP with N4KG feed I decided to make VP2E (Vertically Polarized 2-Element).

L1=L2=0,492 WL
L3=0,139 WL
H1=0,18 WL
H2=0,03 WL
I used all dimentions except height. In my case H1=55 meters. Top band conditions were not very good. Just a few qso. Highlight being called by SU9HP as a new country. Antenna shows reasonable directivity. I tried it on 80 with antenna tunner and worked over 80 Norh America stations! Including New States OK, MS and KY. I installed temporary BV to NA which worked good on 80 but average on 160 m (lenght=200 m). Setup was IC756ProIII and Acom 1000 (800W due to low electricity voltage).
Next trip will be on January 26 including full night operation before contest. I would like to set up 80 m CW skeds with stations from following states: KS, LA, MO, MT, ND, NE, UT, WY